Tech Lead – .Net core with Azure Logic app

Job Title: SSE – Tech Lead – .Net core with Azure Logic app

Primary Skill: .Net core, Web API, Microservices, Azure Functions, Azure Logic Apps and, SQL Server

Location: Hyderabad

Mode of Work: Hybrid

Experience: 8-10years.

About the Job :

We are seeking a skilled .NET Developer with expertise in Azure Logic Apps to join our dynamic team. As a .NET Developer, you will be responsible for designing, developing, testing, and maintaining efficient, reusable, and reliable .NET code. Additionally, you will leverage your expertise in Azure Logic Apps to integrate and automate workflows within our Azure environment.

Know your team:

At ValueMomentum’s Engineering Center, we are a team of passionate engineers who thrive on tackling complex business challenges with innovative solutions while transforming the P&C insurance value chain. We achieve this through strong engineering foundation and continuously refining our processes, methodologies, tools, agile delivery teams, and core engineering archetypes. Our core expertise lies in six key areas: Cloud Engineering, Application Engineering, Data Engineering, Core Engineering, Quality Engineering, and Domain expertise.

Join a team that invests in your growth. Our Infinity Program empowers you to build your career with role-specific skill development leveraging immersive learning platforms. You’ll have the opportunity to showcase your talents by contributing to impactful projects.


  • Use business and technical requirements and developing solutions.
  • Develop solutions involving .net core with Azure services like Azure Service Bus and Azure Storage services.
  • Interact with Business Systems Analysts, users and business leads to understand Business needs.
  • Review and approve the technical specifications provided by the Business Systems Analysts.
  • Deploy and integrate testing of developed components in Development and Test environments.
  • Develop, maintain, and document the interfaces, web applications.
  • Ensure solution designs address performance requirements, reusability, availability, integrity, security challenges, and business functional requirements.
  • Unit-test the code and debug the application.


  • Bachelor’s degree in computer science, engineering, or a related field.
  • Expertise in the development of Web applications using .Net technologies.
  • Hands-on experience with .NET (C#, MVC, ASP.NET Core), JSON, API’s
  • Strong experience on Azure services like Azure Logic app, Azure Service Bus, Azure Storage
  • Must have good understanding on entire software development lifecycle, from requirements gathering and design to implementation, testing, and deployment.
  • Problem solving skills & good team player.
  • Monitoring progress throughout the design process.
  • Completing the assigned tasks by adhering to the coding standards and quality processes
  • Good debugging skills

About ValueMomentum:

ValueMomentum is a leading solutions provider for the global property & casualty insurance industry, supported by deep domain and technology capabilities. We offer a comprehensive suite of advisory, development, implementation, and maintenance services across the entire P&C insurance value chain. This includes Underwriting, Claims, Distribution, and more, empowering insurers to stay ahead with sustained growth, high performance, and enhanced stakeholder value.  Trusted by over 75 insurers, ValueMomentum is one of the largest standalone insurance-focused solutions providers to the US insurance industry.

Our culture – Our fuel

At ValueMomentum, we believe in making employees win by nurturing them from within, collaborating and looking out for each other.

  • People first – Empower employees to succeed.
  • Nurture leaders – Nurture from within.
  • Enjoy wins – Recognize and celebrate wins.
  • Collaboration – Foster a culture of collaboration and people-centricity.
  • Diversity – Committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Fun – Create a fun and engaging work environment.
  • Warm welcome – Provide a personalized onboarding experience.

Company perks & benifits:

  • Compensation – Competitive compensation package comparable to the best in the industry.
  • Career advancement – Career development, coaching and mentoring programs for professional and leadership skill development. Comprehensive training and certification programs.
  • Benefits: Comprehensive health benefits, wellness, and fitness programs.

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