Cloud Platform Architect

Job Title: Architect

Primary Skill: AWS

Location: Hyderabad

Mode of Work: Work from office

Experience: 8-10 years.

About the Job :

We are seeking a highly skilled Senior Cloud Platform Architect with expertise in Amazon Web Services (AWS) to lead the design and development of a self-service platform within our organization. This role involves integrating seamlessly with Internal Development Platforms (IDP) and other tools to enhance the developer experience on the AWS cloud. The ideal candidate will combine deep AWS knowledge with experience in cloud architecture, automation, infrastructure as code, DevOps practices, network, information security, and platform modernization to deliver a robust and developer-friendly platform.

Know your team:

At ValueMomentum’s Engineering Center, we are a team of passionate engineers who thrive on tackling complex business challenges with innovative solutions while transforming the P&C insurance value chain. We achieve this through strong engineering foundation and continuously refining our processes, methodologies, tools, agile delivery teams, and core engineering archetypes. Our core expertise lies in six key areas: Cloud Engineering, Application Engineering, Data Engineering, Core Engineering, Quality Engineering, and Domain expertise.

Join a team that invests in your growth. Our Infinity Program empowers you to build your career with role-specific skill development leveraging immersive learning platforms. You’ll have the opportunity to showcase your talents by contributing to impactful projects.


  • Lead the architecture and design of a self-service platform on AWS, incorporating seamless integration with Internal Development Platforms (IDP) and other developer tools to enhance the developer experience.
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to gather requirements, define platform capabilities, and establish best practices for cloud-based self-service with improved developer experience.
  • Design and implement automation frameworks and workflows to streamline provisioning, configuration, and deployment processes within the self-service platform.
  • Develop and maintain infrastructure as code (IaC) templates using tools such as Terraform, AWS CloudFormation, or AWS CDK to enable efficient resource management and deployment.
  • Implement robust monitoring, logging, and alerting mechanisms to ensure the availability, performance, and security of the self-service platform.
  • Incorporate Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) principles into the design and operation of the self-service platform to enhance reliability, scalability, and fault tolerance.
  • Drive financial optimization (FinOps) initiatives to ensure cost-efficient usage of cloud resources within the self-service platform.
  • Integrate plugins and extensions for Dev SecOps tools such as GitLab, security scanning tools, and compliance frameworks to enhance security and compliance within the self-service platform.
  • Ensure the integration and compatibility of network, IDAM (Identity and Access Management), Active Directory, key vaults, and other security-related components within the self-service platform.
  • Provide technical leadership and guidance to development teams on leveraging the self-service platform for their cloud-based initiatives.
  • Collaborate with stakeholders to define key performance indicators (KPIs) and establish metrics for measuring the effectiveness and adoption of the self-service platform with improved developer experience.
  • Stay abreast of industry trends, best practices, and regulatory requirements related to cloud computing, DevOps, network, security, and platform modernization.


  • Bachelor’s / master’s degree in computer science, Engineering, or a related field (or equivalent work experience).
  • Minimum of 8 years of experience in cloud architecture and engineering, with a strong focus on Amazon Web Services (AWS).
  • Proven record of accomplishment of designing and implementing self-service platforms or similar automation initiatives in AWS.
  • Deep understanding of AWS services such as EC2, S3, VPC, IAM, Lambda, API Gateway, and others.
  • Proficiency in infrastructure as code (IaC) tools such as Terraform, AWS CloudFormation, or AWS CDK.
  • Strong knowledge of cloud security best practices, compliance standards, and governance frameworks.
  • Experience with containerization technologies (e.g., Docker, Kubernetes) and serverless computing.
  • Hands-on experience with DevOps practices, including CI/CD pipelines, configuration management, and automated testing.
  • Experience in network architecture, IDAM (Identity and Access Management), Active Directory, key vaults, and other network, security-related components.
  • Experience in building and transforming cloud platforms for modernization initiatives.
  • Excellent problem-solving skills and the ability to troubleshoot complex issues in distributed systems.
  • Effective communication and collaboration skills, with the ability to effectively interact with stakeholders at all levels.

About ValueMomentum:

ValueMomentum is a leading solutions provider for the global property & casualty insurance industry, supported by deep domain and technology capabilities. We offer a comprehensive suite of advisory, development, implementation, and maintenance services across the entire P&C insurance value chain. This includes Underwriting, Claims, Distribution, and more, empowering insurers to stay ahead with sustained growth, high performance, and enhanced stakeholder value.  Trusted by over 75 insurers, ValueMomentum is one of the largest standalone insurance-focused solutions providers to the US insurance industry.

Our culture – Our fuel

At ValueMomentum, we believe in making employees win by nurturing them from within, collaborating and looking out for each other.

  • People first – Empower employees to succeed.
  • Nurture leaders – Nurture from within.
  • Enjoy wins – Recognize and celebrate wins.
  • Collaboration – Foster a culture of collaboration and people-centricity.
  • Diversity – Committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Fun – Create a fun and engaging work environment.
  • Warm welcome – Provide a personalized onboarding experience.

Company perks & benefits:

  • Compensation – Competitive compensation package comparable to the best in the industry.
  • Career advancement – Career development, coaching and mentoring programs for professional and leadership skill development. Comprehensive training and certification programs.
  • Benefits: Comprehensive health benefits, wellness, and fitness programs.

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